但他们让我去参观了。 这间酒店套房有四千三百平方尺, 有360度景观房, 四个阳台。 由建筑师I.M.Pei设计 配备劳斯莱斯和司机。 有专署酒窖,免费任你享用。 我参观的时候,我还高兴地见到酒窖里有“第一乐章“(一款名酒)。 酒店一晚房价为三万美元。
This is soap that's made from silver nanoparticles, which have antibacterial properties. I washed my face with this this morning in preparation for this. And it, you know, tickled a little bit and it smelled good, but I have to say that nobody here has complimented me on the cleanliness of my face today.
这是用含银的纳米微粒制成的香皂 有抗菌作用 今天早上为准备这次演讲,我用它洗了脸 有点痒,很好闻。 可我不得不说 今天没有人夸过我的脸干净。
But then again, nobody has complimented me on the jeans I'm wearing. These ones GQ did spring for -- I own these -- but I will tell you, not only did I not get a compliment from any of you, I have not gotten a compliment from anybody in the months that I have owned and worn these. I don't think that whether or not you're getting a compliment should be the test of something's value, but I think in the case of a fashion item, an article of clothing, that's a reasonable benchmark. That said, a lot of work goes into these. They are made from handpicked organic Zimbabwean cotton that has been shuttle loomed and then hand-dipped in natural indigo 24 times. But no compliments.
再说说我的牛仔裤,也没有人夸过。 我的这条是GQ杂志的春装款——我自己买的——但让我告诉你, 不只你们没有注意到这条裤子, 迄今为止从买到穿了这么久 没有任何人注意过 我不认为被人夸奖与否 是衡量物品价值的标准, 但我认为,就时尚品而言 那是一个合理的标准。 据说,这一款做工精良。 由人手挑选的津巴布韦有机棉花 用梭织机织出 24次手工蘸染成自然靛青色 但是没人赞美。
Armando Manni is a former filmmaker who makes this olive oil from an olive that grows on a single slope in Tuscany. And he goes to great lengths to protect the olive oil from oxygen and light. He uses tiny bottles, the glass is tinted, he tops the olive oil off with an inert gas. And he actually